Sanction for Violations
You will be warned before any action is taken, unless the first/only offense is a ban instead of a mute.
1-If seen action is consecutive, the warning will be waved. Only the punishment and notification of why will be provided.
2-If a Game Master requests you to stop, please listen Or face a mute time of 3 hours or more. No arguing just understand we want the game to be pleasant for everyone.
3-All rules are subject to change without notice or announcement to players. So check back periodically as ignorance is not an excuse!
4-Understand that each report and rule broken are left to the judgement of that GM, so punishment(s) will vary on a case by case basis.
PvP Ladder Abuse Any attempt to climb the ladder by "free-killing" or "dual killing" other player will be punished Ignorance is not excuse
Any Offense: 1 Week Ban
AFK Macro Farming While we do allow Macro's, we do NOT allow AFK Macro farming. It is the same as botting. So if you're not going to be present enough to respond, don't do this!
First Offense: 3 Day Ban
Second Offense: 1 Week Ban
Third Offense: Permanent Ban
No-Delay Software / WPE: We know that sometimes people find new ways to break the safeguard. If found to be speed hacking, no ban appeals for this.
Player Report: Permanent Ban
GM Report: Permanent Ban
Scamming Tricking players isn't very nice, so please don't do it!
Player Report: 3 Day Ban [ If proven guilty ] 3
GM Report: Permanent Ban
Impersonation Pretending to be a GM or another player is not allowed. Do so at your own risk even if you're joking around!
Player Report: 1 Week Ban
GM Report: Permanent Ban
Bug Abuse If you are found to be abusing a bug, you will be dealt with accordingly. Report Bugs to Game Masters or our Discord!
First Offense: 2 Day Ban
Second Offense: 1 Week Ban
Third Offense: Permanent Ban
Targeted Harassment Do not purposefully go out of your way to single anyone out and continue to do so.
First Offense: 60 Minute Mute
Second Offense: 180 Minute Mute
Third Offense: 2 Day Ban
Disturbing PvP Do not go into PvP just to troll and grief, especially with a side/sock/fake account. The punishment for this varies as some cases will be worse than others. Don't do this.
First Offense: 60 Minute Mute
Second Offense: 180 Minute Mute
Third Offense: 2 Day Ban
Disrespecting and Insulting This goes for players and Game Masters, don't overdo it or you can be met with a punishment. Includes all forms of chat, #channels, chat rooms, guild names and titles, etcetera.
First Offense: 60 Minute Mute
Second Offense: 180 Minute Mute
Third Offense: 2 Day Ban
Character names Civil Please do not use vulgarities in your In-Game Names.
First Offense: 60 Minute Jail
Second Offense: 180 Minute Jail
Third Offense: 1 Day Ban
Bad Language | Racist | Sexual Words in Public This is standard for anywhere. Don't be rude and vulgar!
First Offense: 12 Hour Ban
Second Offense: 3 Day Ban
Third Offense: Permanent Ban
Abusing Buying | Selling | Trading Policy or Joke-Buying Please be serious about your B/S/T, fun and games is fine until people get their hopes up or think you have items that don't exist.
First Offense: 5 Minute Mute
Second Offense: 30 Minute Mute
Third Offense: 120 Minute Mute
Selling of anything for IRL currency This we do not openly allow, if you do any backdoor and/or quiet transaction(s) like this and get scammed there is nothing that will be done to help you.
Any Offense: Permanent Ban
GM Request Abuse @request should only be used when you absolutely need a GM and not for any other use.
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: 60 Minute Jail
Third Offense: 120 Minute Ban or Mute or Jail
Disrespecting the Server You can have an opinion but if you can't stop sharing it, just know you have freedom of speech-- Just not freedom of consequence.
First Offense: 1 Day Jail
Second Offense: 1 Day Ban
Third Offense: Permanent Ban
Advertising Other Server This is self explanatory, please don't do this.
Player Report: Permanent Ban
GM Report: Permanent Ban
Blocking NPCs Blocking with your character, chat or covering with your wings-- Please try not do do this on purpose.
First Offense: 60 Minutes Jail
Second Offense: 120 Minutes Jail
Third Offense: 2 Day Ban
Exploiting Server Functions Knowingly abusing any feature(s) in the server for personal gain.
First Offense: 30 Day Ban
Second Offense: Permanent Ban
Provide 🎥 videos or 📸 screenshots in case you come across a player committing any of the aforementioned violations. The rules and sanctions listed above may change based on decisions from the Staff. Additional rules and sanctions that haven't been covered might be introduced later to foster unity within the server.
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